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Synergy EnviroSeal Clear Sealer – 4 Gal/Case


Introducing ENVIRO-SEAL CLEAR, one of the newest additions to our OdorPros & FloorPros Professional Products. This urethane and acrylic polymer blended product locks-in/locks-out like no other product, with variable viscosity and tremendous coverage. It may be wiped on, sprayed on, spread on or mopped on with coverage rates from 600-1800 sf/gal depending of a variety of factors.

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Description & Recommendations

Product Description:

Introducing ENVIRO-SEAL CLEAR, one of the newest additions to our OdorPros & FloorPros Professional Products. This urethane and acrylic polymer blended product locks-in/locks-out like no other product, with variable viscosity and tremendous coverage. It may be wiped on, sprayed on, spread on or mopped on with coverage rates from 600-1800 sf/gal depending of a variety of factors.

ENVIRO-SEAL provides the perfect answer for sealing freshly cleaned walls and trim after a mold, mildew or smoke & odor remediation treatment, especially when the substrate is rough or porous like construction grade timbers or plywood. Depending on your available equipment, ENVIRO-SEAL CLEAR can be applied at full-strength or reduced by not more than 1:1 with clear water. This opens up the possibility for application with airless or air-powered spraying, wiping, brushing or application to floors with microfiber.

Think of ENVIRO-SEAL CLEAR as just that... a SEALER. Its main purpose is to SEAL IN (residual odor-causing material that can only be removed by further substrate destruction) and to SEAL OUT the moisture and microbes that causes odor and discoloration.
As mentioned elsewhere, this product may be applied in a number of manners.

Product Use Directions:

Sealing Walls & Trim Against Odor Re-occurrence - Think of this product as a base-sealer for OdorProTec or SilverShield for when surfaces are too porous for a single application. If applying with roller, pad or microfiber, use straight. If applying with an airless sprayer, reduce with water (not more than 1:1) to achieve a consistent spray and good coverage.

Sealing Timbers, Boarding Boards and Plywood in Attics & Crawl Spaces - Please use equipment with sufficient power so that this product need not be reduced while spraying overhead. Apply with successive thin applications directly over top of the prior with little set time. Do not attempt to apply in a single application. Product should quickly go from white to clear when applied properly.
Sealing VCT, Concrete or Ceramic Tile with Grout - Use as supplied and apply with a microfiber finish mop. Apply thin coats and not more than two coats before covering with EnviroBuild Floor Finish.

You May Wish to Also Consider These Complementary Products:

Synergy CreteSeal Penetrating Sealer for Concrete & Terrazzo – 4 Gal/Case


SilverShield Surface Sealer & Mold Inhibitor – 4Gal/Case


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