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Envirotab for Deodorization – 10 x 20g tablets/pouch


Sometimes residual odors require an after-cleaning AIR ASSAULT!
When that happens, we have our bulk packages of 20g tablets that will provide you with at least 10 tablets (in the pouch) or 40 tablets (in the pail) for re-using Bio-Bomb or No-NonScents kits for room vehicle or room-size deodorizing applications.

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Description & Recommendations

This pouch of 20 gram tablets is the perfect complement to any of our deodorizing kits:

  • Bio-Bombs for Autos
  • No-NonScents Full Room 2-Tablet Kits for Rooms

These tablets may also be used to create a full 5 gallons of 100ppm sanitizer. One tablet added to 5 gallons of water, or to treat 250-500 gallons of water for livestock or poultry, reducing it's bioload.


You May Wish to Also Consider These Complementary Products:

Envirotab for Restoration – 15 x 10g tablets/pouch


20g Tablet Box Panel
Envirotab for Deodorizing – 40 x 20g Tablets/Box


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