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Envirotab for Professional Deodorizing – 15 x 100g tablets/box


Please Note: This item is for ONE box of 15 x 100g tablets.
Please see Product specification sheet for details.

This tablet is used in the whole-scale deodorization of homes, apartments and business structures. Each tablet will remove to odors from 125-250 square feet, with 8-10′ ceilings.

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Description & Recommendations

Our 100g tablets are designed to provide bulk solutions for odor remediation specialists. Please be sure to read our Product Data Sheet.

For large scale odor elimination, each tablet is generally dissolved in 1-2 quarts of water which is aerated with a bubbler to move the gas from the water and into the air-space of unoccupied rooms. Up to 3 tablets may be dissolved into 6 quarts of water to deodorize 500-1500sf (depending on degree of odor).

Envirotab is the perfect product for securing a "complete clean" on environmental surfaces, achieving these important ends:

  • Enhancing the performance of microfiber
  • Quickly blasting through the scum [biofilm] created by surface bacteria
  • Dismantling the structure of organic soils 
  • Naturally eliminating odors while you clean
  • Leaving NO soil-attracting residue behind after cleaning

...while coming in a convenient assortment of tablet sizes that always provide you with the right size for the task:

  • 1g tablets for creating 100ppm in 1 Qt or Liter of water - for general purpose cleaning.
  • 4g tablets for creating 400ppm in 1 Qt or Liter of water, or 100ppm in 1 Gallon of water - for mold, mildew and odor control.
  • 10g tablets for creating 100ppm in 2.5 gallons of water for pump sprayers, or 50ppm in 5 gallons for mopping solutions. 
  • 20g tablets for creating a highly effective deodorizing tool for unoccupied spaces - see our BioBombs product. 
  • 100g tablets for professional deodorizing applications.

Please follow this LINK to Download our Spec Sheet for this product.

Please follow this LINK to Download our  RTU Safety Data Sheet for this product.

Please follow this LINK to Download our Tablet Safety Data Sheet for this product.

You May Wish to Also Consider These Complementary Products:

ClO2 Gas Distribution Machine with Built-In Fan


Envirotab (or Your Brand) Whole House Deodorizing Starter Kit


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