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OdorPros Odor Consume Soft Surface Spray – Quart


Odor form decaying organic matter can be the very worst, and it can come from many sources:
– pet accidents
– spoiled food
– rodent infestations
– body odor
– incontinence
Eliminate both the odor and the stains with this product that is safe for use on any hard or soft surface in your home. Sold by the quart.

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Description & Recommendations

The No-NonScents Odor Consume Spray employs benevolent, enzyme-producing microbes that function like "Pac-Man" to seek out and consume every atom of the organic material that feeds bad bacteria and causes odors.

Use on absolutely any surface, hard or soft to break down organic soils and control odors in: 

  • clothing spots, stains and body odor
  • couches, chairs and carpeting
  • litter boxes and animal bedding
  • waste cans and diaper pails
  • laundry loads and pre-soaks
  • automobile seating, carpets and headliners
  • bathroom, locker room and restroom floors

For best results, apply and keep from drying for as long as possible (up to 30 minutes). This product is highly concentrated and may be diluted at up to 1:8. 

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