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OdorPros Room Deodorizer – Our Largest Size



Containing (2) 20g Tablets for either TWICE the POWER or TWICE the USAGE.

Rid residential living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, laundries and bathrooms of gross residual odors that remain after cleaning. Use in hotel and motel rooms with greater efficacy than ozone, eliminate odors in automobiles, campers, boats and cabins. Permanently denature odors like rotting food, tobacco, cannabis, fish, fried foods, mold, mildew and general mustiness. Generally works in just 2 hours.

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Description & Recommendations

The OdorPros Full-Size Room Deodorizer is a simple-to-use kit to eliminate residual odors from air and surrounding soft surfaces (curtains, cushions, bedding, carpets, etc) without the need remove, launder or disturb. This kit will service a space of up to 1000 cubic feet (10' wide x 10' long x 10' high ceilings), or the average motel room.

If odors are particularly bad, such as heavy smoking, with ash having settled on surfaces, we highly recommend this product come after: 

  • A thorough wiping down of hard surfaces with microfiber cloths dampened with a solution from one of our 1 gram tablets, dissolved in 1 quart of warm water, and if really bad...
  • A carpet cleaning, using a combination of 100 ppm of ClO2 and Synergy SB Soil Break.

To deploy this kit, simply follow these simple directions: 

  1. Close any windows and curtains that are in the room, if the room has an HVAC unit, set it to circulating fan only.
  2. Remove the cap from atop the jar, and the contents from within the jar.
  3. Fill the jar with water up to the "fill-line' marked on the label.
  4. Tear or carefully cut open ANY of 4  pouch containing a 10 gram ClO2-generating tablet, and
  5. Without touching the tablet, gently slide it from the pouch and into the water.
  6. Remove yourself and the jar's contents to outside the room, and use the supplied signage to put a note on the door that "deodorization is in process".
  7. Wait the prescribed time (usually 2-4 hours) and open the doors, windows and curtains. Leave the circulating fan running. The odors will be gone and should now remind you of a clean, fresh - yet unscented - smell.
  8. To dispose of the remaining product, simply return the lid to the jar for transporting, and pour the contents down a toilet and flush.

In a rare occasion, a second application may be required, and if this happens, please let us know and we will help you review the process and provide you with a 50% discount off of your second kit used in the same space.

You May Wish to Also Consider These Complementary Products:

OdorPros USB Mini Aerator Pump
OdorPros Mini Aerator Pump for Odor-Kits


OdorPros Small Deodorizing Kit Store Panel
OdorPros Air & Gear Deodorizer – Small Spaces


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