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Synergy RTU Consume-IT Spot & Pre-Treat – 32oz/Bottle


Synergy CONSUME-IT is or Ready-To-Use version of our highly concentrated, surfactant-free cleaner and deodorizer for use in any space – but especially kitchens and bathrooms.
Also creates a phenomenal microfiber cleaner with just 1oz per quart of water, and a powerful deodorizer with just a quick squirt or spray.
Comes in cases of 12 quart bottles.

Perfect for auto detailers, contract cleaners, property management companies and more!

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Description & Recommendations

Synergy RTU Products offer the carpet cleaning professional an "after-service" sale or give-away for any customer with piddling pets or spilling toddlers.

Synergy CONSUME-IT offers the same formula as our concentrate, but in a ready-to-use format.

For quick spotting or clean-up of spills or pet accidents, simply spray it onto the affected area, let it dwell, and blot it up with a terry cloth towel.

For on-the-spot deodorizing of waste cans, diaper pails or other odor-spreading surfaces, simply spray and walk away.

To view our Full Carpet Care Program Brochure, please follow this LINK.

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You May Wish to Also Consider These Complementary Products:

Synergy SB Consume Concentrate – 4 Gal/Case


Synergy RTU REMOVE-IT Heavy Soil PreTreat – 32oz/Bottle


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